Note Worthy Dads

Reading notes, stories, and advice from other dads can be a great way to learn and grow as a father. By hearing about the experiences of other dads, you can gain valuable insights into the challenges and joys of fatherhood. You can also find inspiration and motivation to become the best dad you can be. Read below some of the latest notes from the Note Worthy Dad community

Know that being a dad is an incredible privilege.

There will be times when you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and unsure of what to do. But remember, it's okay to make mistakes and learn as you go.

Make time, even when it's difficult.

The journey you are on is not always going to be easy, but it is worth it. Embrace the joys and challenges of being a Dad, and know that you are making a difference in your sons life.

Steven Daniels Dad, since 2019

Joy, excitement, and jubilation soon turn into fear, confusion, and worry. Trust me, this is normal. Bringing a child into the world is a massive mixture of emotions. But the rollercoaster is the most amazing ride you will ever go on. At the end of the day, no one knows everything about being a parent, but listening to other people's experiences can shape how you overcome problems you may run into. We all make mistakes, but it's how we learn from them that matters. Just don't be afraid to ask for advice or help.

Paul Dad, since 2009

You’ll be great with the kids, don’t stress that part. Here are a few things learned along the way to make it a smoother ride.

1. Find time for your partner & relationship; kids are all consuming time thieves we love them but make time for yourselves, you’ll have to support each other more than ever.

2. Always accept an offer of help; being brave is good recognizing you can be vulnerable is better. If someone is offering, find them something to do.

3. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; family are the best, friends are awesome too.

4. Vent….Often; we love our kids but man do they push all the buttons. Take some weight off when someone wants to listen (also be there for other parents)

5. It takes a community to raise children, surround yourself and your kids with people that will love and respect them!

Adam Dad, since 2019

Read as much, watch as much, and listen to as much advice from 'professionals' as you can and/or want to but remember that at the end of the day it is all advice not laws. Each baby, toddler, child is as different as each adult is. Their needs, wants and desires are as shifting as the seas and sands.

At the end of the day it is a lot harder to truly muck it up than you think. Nobody is perfect and judging your baby's progress against children of a similar age won't make you a better dad, but might make you a more neurotic one. Chill, enjoy it and don't let anyone else make you feel guilty for how you choose to do things. You need the toilet and there is nobody else around? Give her your phone for a minute and let her watch cocomelon or dancing vegetables for a bit. It's not going to kill her!

James Dad, since 2021

The old cliché; “it’s the most difficult thing you will do but the most rewarding”. How often did you hear other parents say this phrase when you asked them what it was like being a mum or a dad? Now I find myself saying the same phrase to all my friends and family.

It is hard, but it is truly rewarding. You thought you understood what it was like to love something or someone before having kids, but when our little one arrived, it well and truly redefined the meaning of love. You quickly realise that your life has changed and you become increasingly more selfless to ensure your child lives their life to the fullest. You also understand the true meaning of what it’s like to be tired – the first few months especially! But you just get through it, as you understand the reasons for needing to be awake.

Whether it’s dancing around the living room like an idiot, reading the same book 50 times in a row (because that is what your new child princess is demanding), or serenading your little one with songs that you end up dreaming about because you’ve sung them so often - you do so without hesitation or resistance.

Yes, I got things wrong, but I would like to think that I got more things right as a parent, that I made my daughter happy and most importantly, made her feel safe. Yes, it’s the most difficult thing you will ever do - but sincerely, it is the most rewarding.

George Dad, since 2021

You may think its easy and some days you just want to disappear. Your little angel turns into a devil and says hurtful things trust and support your partner to get through it. Every day is a learning day, not just your little one you too, phases attitudes and all tempers and tears smiles and happiness. Just remember no one is perfect and no child is the same.

Neal Dad, since 2019

Don’t panic! And realise that being a dad doesn’t happen over night, it’s not the birth that makes you a dad, it’s the years after, the dance runs, the school runs in the rain, watching them destroy your nice tidy living room and cleaning up so they can do it all again, you will never have all the right answers and when 3 daughters are ganging up on you give up! You will never win, sometimes all you need to do is sit and listen, but the rewards are worth it all, and most of all enjoy it, soak it all up because they grow up quick!

Rob Dad, since 2009

You don't stop being a lad just because you're also going to become a dad. It's not the end of your life, it's the beginning of a different one, with a different balance.

Do take care of and find time for your 'relationships'. In a relationship between 2 people, there are actually 3 primary relationships to take care of: Your relationship with yourself, Your Partner's relationship with theirself and Your relationship with Your Partner.

When you have a kid, that multiplies out to 7, not just adding one to 4. (going to use M for mum, D for Dad and C for child for ease, replace as preferred!)

D with D, M with M, C with C;D with C,
M with C
D with M
D, M AND C all together.

You have to find a balance between all of those relationships. When you have 2 kids (I don't), that chart jumps to 13 or 14 relationships. You can't treat them all fairly and the balance changes over time and by necessity and situation, but you have to consider all of them.

Alister Dad, since 2019

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Mind: A mental health charity that offers information and advice on mental health.
Tom is a life insurance specialist just for dads. With Tom, you can get a free quote faster than the kids grow out of their shoes.
The Money Advice Trust: A charity that offers free debt advice and support.
The Compassionate Friends: A charity that supports parents and families who have lost a child.