Supercharging Fatherhood: The Self-Care Advantage

Being a dad is an incredible journey filled with joy, love, and countless responsibilities. As dads, we often prioritise the well-being of our families above everything else. However, it's important to remember that taking care of ourselves is no...


Don't Believe the Hype: 5 Parenting Decisions That Are PERFECTLY Fine

1) You don't force your child to eat everything on their plate
Many parents believe that children should eat everything on their plate, but that's not necessarily the case. Kids have smaller stomachs and may not need as muc...


Making Haircuts Easier: Avoid These Common Mistakes

As a parent, I know all too well the struggles of trying to get a child to sit still for a haircut. Like many kids his age, Charlie finds haircuts uncomfortable and even scary. In my attempts to make this process easier for him, I made several...


When Dad Guilt Takes Over: Going back to work

Looking back to when I was a new dad, I thought I was prepared for anything that could come my way. I read books, attended the parenting class, and did my best to be supportive to Natalie during her pregnancy. But despite my preparation, nothing coul...


5 Honest Truths Every Dad Needs to Hear

As a dad, you may feel like you have to have everything figured out. You want to be the provider, the protector, and the rock that your family can always count on. But the truth is, being a dad is hard, and it's okay to admit that you don't have all the an...


Start Early, Read Often: Why Reading to Your Child is a Must-Do!

As a dad, there are few things more rewarding than spending quality time with your child. One activity that can be particularly beneficial for both you and your child is reading together. From as early as possible, reading to your...