Don't Believe the Hype: 5 Parenting Decisions That Are PERFECTLY Fine

Don't Believe the Hype: 5 Parenting Decisions That Are PERFECTLY Fine

1) You don't force your child to eat everything on their plate
Many parents believe that children should eat everything on their plate, but that's not necessarily the case. Kids have smaller stomachs and may not need as much food as adults. Additionally, children have their own preferences and may not like certain foods. By allowing your child to stop eating when they are full, you are helping them develop a healthy relationship with food.

2) You let your child fail
Failure is a part of life, and it's important for children to learn how to handle it. By allowing your child to fail, you are teaching them valuable lessons about resilience and perseverance. It also gives them the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and become better problem solvers.

3) You give your child space to play independently
As parents, we often feel the need to constantly entertain and engage with our children. However, it's important to give them space to play independently. This allows them to develop their creativity, problem-solving skills, and independence. It also gives them the opportunity to explore and discover new things on their own.

4) You don't follow every parenting trend
The world of parenting is full of trends and fads, and it can be overwhelming to keep up with them all. However, it's important to remember that not every trend is right for every child. It's okay to pick and choose the parenting strategies that work best for your family, and to ignore the ones that don't.

5) You prioritise your own self-care
As parents, we often put our own needs last. However, taking care of ourselves is essential to being a good parent. By prioritising our own self-care, we are better able to handle the challenges of parenting and be present for our children. This can include things like exercise, alone time, and pursuing our own interests and hobbies.

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